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The Story of

Dror Kendelstein

Photographed with Naftali Bennett

Served from 2001 to 2004 as a patrol team sergeant in the IDF's Combat Engineering Unit.
"I was very seriously injured, sedated and ventilated for eight months, and then rehabilitated in a hospital for three years. My rehabilitation continues to this very day.
My rehabilitation is difficult and frustrating. I almost gave up and yet still continue. Today I lecture with the goal of inspiring wounded soldiers. The title of my lecture is 'Never give up on life.'
I had to learn everything from the start during my rehabilitation, from blowing out a candle to standing on my feet. I was able to return both to work and to married life. In the lowest place, a person must show courage and not give up on himself."

Photo: Moses Pini Siluk

Oded Shteren Miraz

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Oded Shteren Miraz

Photographed with Daughter Tatum Shteren

Photo: Alon Grego

Oded Shteren Miraz

Amir Hen

Photographed with Eyal Valdman

Photo: Michael Topiol

Amir Hen

Shir Peled

Photographed with Rona-Lee Shimon

Photo: Shay Yehezkel

Shir Peled

Lior Nir

Photographed with Reuven “Ruvi” Rivlin

Photo: Lior Nir

Lior Nir

Anna Lepkov

Photographed with Lucy Aharish

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Anna Lepkov

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