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The Story of

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Photographed with Giovanni Rosso

"My job was a tank driver, during my service. like many of my fellow soldiers I took an active part in the fighting.

One day while waiting for an operational activity I was arranging the straps of my helmet and the ear protection so that the helmet was not on my head when a powerful charge exploded next to me.
I was injured in the ears in Operation Tzuk Eitan, during the fighting in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood after the elimination of a terrorist squad. But the most important thing in the whole story is my wife and my family who have helped me survive. To this day I am still dealing with hearing loss and loss of balance as well as being diagnosed with PTSD. Dealing with it after the release is not easy since I was only recognized after about 4 years as an IDF disabled veteran even though all the changes I went through were minimal."
He has been treated in a psychotherapeutic setting for about two years.

Photo: Vered Rozen

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

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Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Photographed with Giovanni Rosso

Photo: Vered Rozen

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Nadav Weirsh

Photographed with Amir Ivgi

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Nadav Weirsh

Doron Davidovitch

Photographed with Ofer Yannay

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Doron Davidovitch

Tzuriel Friedman

Photographed with Yizhar Shai

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Tzuriel Friedman

Lauren Dagan Amos

Photographed with Tamar Barak

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Lauren Dagan Amos

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