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The Story of

Leon Yanai - banjo

Photographed with Avri Gilad

"I served from 1979 until 2006. First as a squad leader, then in the Border Patrol, and I ended up in a senior position in the Judea and Samaria patrol unit. It took me a long time to understand what post-trauma is. My fellow soldiers and I didn't understand what we were suffering from.
The challenge was that we were simply transparent, especially during celebratory occasions in Israel such as Purim and Independence Day. These are joyous holidays, but for us it is emotionally difficult to hear the sounds of the fireworks, which remind us of explosions, and smell the gunpowder. These triggers take us back to the battlefield and tear our souls apart. It takes a while to recover and for weeks prior to and after the memorial ceremonies we hold for our fallen brothers, we suffer from nightmares and incomprehensible outbursts of rage."

Photo: Michael Topiol

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

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Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Photographed with Giovanni Rosso

Photo: Vered Rozen

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Nadav Weirsh

Photographed with Amir Ivgi

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Nadav Weirsh

Doron Davidovitch

Photographed with Ofer Yannay

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Doron Davidovitch

Tzuriel Friedman

Photographed with Yizhar Shai

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Tzuriel Friedman

Lauren Dagan Amos

Photographed with Tamar Barak

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Lauren Dagan Amos

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