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The Story of

Lior Shai

Photographed with Dr Anan Wehbi

Served as a sniper in an elite unit between 1991-1994.
"After my service I was set to travel the world, start university, and work in Tel Aviv’s nightlife scene, but something wasn't right. I felt I needed help. After a long treatment process, I found my salvation in the rhythm of the drums. It emerged from within me, and that’s how 'Drum Circle' was born. It also was the path that led me back to G-d. Today I breathe in, walk in the fields, talk to G-d, study the Bible, make people happy with drum circles out on the streets or in the Shtiebel center I opened in Tel Aviv."

Photo: Avishai Finkelstein

Aviv Eliasi

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Aviv Eliasi

Photographed with Yoav Eliasi

Photo: Moses Pini Siluk

Aviv Eliasi

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