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The Story of

Shai Kozlovski

Photographed with Netta Garti

Major in the IDF Battle Engineering Core Unit from 2000-2008 in both Gaza and the Samaria Brigade.

"The distress once again fills my heart, which is already barely functioning,
Nothing - is this my fate - Is my life over?
Has the light faded?
The blood in my heart has drained already and I use the little strength I have remaining to find the flower."

Photo: Eran Levi

Imri Biton

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Imri Biton

Photographed with Erel Margalit

Photo: Moses Pini Siluk

Imri Biton

Moran Har-Even

Photographed with Lee Naim

Photo: Dor Malka

Moran Har-Even

Nadav Yaish

Photographed with Doron Ben David

Photo: Dor Malka

Nadav Yaish

Nadav Greenberg

Photographed with Gilad Ardan

Photo: Dor Malka

Nadav Greenberg

Yair Shalev

Photographed with Boaz Konforty

Photo: Avishai Finkelstein

Yair Shalev

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