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The Story of

Tzuriel Friedman

Photographed with Yizhar Shai

"A few years ago I thought it was over, and in a way, I gave up on life. I didn't know myself, I lost my independence and identity. I reached the tipping point, and after five failed suicide attempts, the moment arrived to choose life.

My name is Tzuriel Friedman. I am a disabled IDF soldier and this is Eva, my service dog. Eva saves my life daily and she accompanies me everywhere during the day and especially at night. Before the army, I excelled in long runs and ran between 120-160 km a week! During my military service, I experienced very difficult events, severe abuse, mental abuse, and brutal rape. My whole body collapsed and as a result I reached the point where the doctors at the hospital told me I would never run again. In addition, I was diagnosed with severe PTSD and a severe physical disability. I got Eva, my dog to help me deal with the PTSD, the nightmares and the fainting spells I experience throughout the day (12 times a day). After a long and difficult rehabilitation journey that lasted every day 24/7, and against all odds, I went back to running, winning competitions, training, volunteering, lecturing and accompanying thousands of people a year. In addition to everything, I set up an NPO that helps people with PTSD grow through a framework that enables their recovery.

Living with post-trauma includes 24/7 nightmares, fainting, pain and seizures...
But today? I manage the Post Trauma, and don't let the post trauama managae me!"

Photo: Ronen Fadida

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Imri Biton

Photographed with Erel Margalit

Photo: Moses Pini Siluk

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Photographed with Lee Naim

Photo: Dor Malka

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Nadav Yaish

Photographed with Doron Ben David

Photo: Dor Malka

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Photographed with Gilad Ardan

Photo: Dor Malka

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Yair Shalev

Photographed with Boaz Konforty

Photo: Avishai Finkelstein

Yair Shalev

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