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The Story of

Yaniv Cohen

Photographed with Idan Mor - Known by the stage name "Gadi Wilchersky"

Military service as a fighter and sniper in the elite Duchifat Battalion from 2006 to 2009.
"I believe that everyone who was a fighter and underwent training and operation activity, suffers from symptoms of post-trauma as a result of combat in one way or another. The right way to deal with it is to involve the people closest to us. It's always good to know that there are good people by our side who reach out in an honest way. I hope that our society will become more sensitive to us, because the strength of a society is measured mainly by its ability to help those who need help."

Photo: Aviv Shiloh

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

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Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Photographed with Giovanni Rosso

Photo: Vered Rozen

Gil Yitzhak Shaforn

Nadav Weirsh

Photographed with Amir Ivgi

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Nadav Weirsh

Doron Davidovitch

Photographed with Ofer Yannay

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Doron Davidovitch

Tzuriel Friedman

Photographed with Yizhar Shai

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Tzuriel Friedman

Lauren Dagan Amos

Photographed with Tamar Barak

Photo: Ronen Fadida

Lauren Dagan Amos

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